"Performance Optimization”, is simply finding and resolving inefficiencies within an organization's operating practices depriving the realization of its profit potential.
Performance optimization will not prevent business failure, due to lack of due diligence in the startup phase.
Your business plan financials should include revenue projections and a breakeven analysis.
If your breakeven revenue requirement is established at the peak of your revenue feasibility you best step back and re-evaluate.
Profit optimization is the actual end reward to optimizing your operational practices to be as perfect, effective and functionable as possible.
FSSM's management consultancy services performance optimization process begins with a baseline of data analysis, followed by observation of business practices, a business self-assessment, a documented solution strategy and an implementation of new practices and follow-up.
The business-self assessment is to identify key areas of opportunities in the organization and monetize their potential for priority implementation.
Solutions to achieve optimization of your profits will be developed directly in response to the self-assessment of the ownership practices and responsibilities, management and staff performance, and that of your supply chain.
Many solutions to be implemented in the process may be a one-time effort in their development and have on-going use.
The entire performance optimization process and premise is to improve all performance. Exceptional high-quality food and customer service standards are non-negotiable.
The business self-assessment will likely identify some requirements from ownership to include a clearly documented operating manual establishing the ownership groups operating parameters, expectations, practices, and methodologies for training its staff and protecting its brand.
An operation's direction, policies, practices, and performance should not be impacted as a result of management and staff turnover. The work you do through the performance optimization process will provide you with the means to operate with consistency through these management changes and may just lessen your turnover rate altogether.
An honest business self-assessment will expedite zeroing in on profit loss opportunities within your organization.
The following is a sampling of FSSM's management consultancy services business self-assessment questions that should be asked, the list is not intended to be all inclusive:
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(952) 892-5825 david@fssm.biz